Learn online with West Home!


I’ve had the absolutely pleasure and sheer joy of helping so many of my homies transform their homes through my 90-minute consults and Reno Assist service. There isn’t a problem I haven’t helped to solve in my travels!

But there is only one of little old me and there is plenty to be shared so I’m slowly but surely bringing all of my knowledge to life in short courses and classes that you can access at any time to help level up your home – whether its learning the fundamentals of styling and why things work or don’t work – or its trying to create the perfect outdoor space, these courses have been designed no matter where in the world you are and no matter what stage of your home making journey you are at.

Feel free to have a snoop around and check out what is currently available. I hope something in this little treasure chest is that gold nugget (or silver bullet!) you’ve been looking for to help make your house feel like your perfect home.

Hope to see you online very soon!!

West Home Style School
  • style school
  • style school